Originally Posted by Mamaluke
An Englishman, an Irishman, and an Italian are taken prisoners of war. They hogtie the Englishman, whip him and beat him senseless for 2 hours before he tells all he knows. Then they take the Irishman, they hogtie and beat him for 4 hours before he tells all he knows.

Finally, they take the Italian, hogtie and beat him senseless. The other two men could hear him crying out in pain for nearly ten hours but his captors couldnt get him to tell anything so they let him go.

When the three men regrouped outside, the Englishman took a sip of whisky from his flask and put a shaking hand on the Italian's shoulder and asked him "How'd you go so long and not say anything?"

To which the Italian replied "How could I talk with my hands tied behind my back?"

Lol. Thats funny!