This is a list of known Siegel family members and associates.

Bosses Edit
Benjamin Siegel: 1933-1947—Founder; Jewish mob boss; born in 1906, died in 1947 (41 years old).
Mickey Cohen: 1947-1976—Siegel's right-hand man; Chicago Outfit associate; born in 1913, died in 1976 (62 years old).
Lieutenants Edit
Moe Sedway: 1933-1952—Lieutenant; Lansky lieutenant; born in 1894, died in 1952 (58 years old).
Jack Dragna: 1933-1956—Lieutenant; before he became boss of the L.A. family and rivaled Cohen; born in 1891, died in 1956 (64 years old).
David Berman: 1933-1957—Lieutenant; casino owner; born in 1903, died in 1957 (54 years old).
Edward "Neddie" Herbert: 1947-1949—Lieutenant and bodyguard; Cohen's trusted associate; born in 1907, died in 1949 (41 years old).

—-> Elihu "Black Dot" McGee: 1934-1960s—Racketeer; Cohen's African American partner in Los Angeles' South Central Ghetto; born in ?, died in ?

Last edited by Blackmobs; 12/28/21 08:08 PM.