Same old story, the mob ain't what it used to be, blah blah blah. Everyone knows this, I haven't met one person who thinks otherwise. Those other gangs just aren't interesting, who cares about the drug trade and shitty prostitution, where's the loansharking, illegal gambling, union control and legitimate business infiltration. That's right, those shitbag gangs you mentioned don't have any clout there. Who cares that there's more money in drugs and the cartels make more, still not as fascinating. From what I've seen on Facebook on gangster movie fan pages, Gomorrah is way more popular than Narcos, people will never be as fascinated with the cartels as they are with the mob. Just look at all the rappers who steal Mafia names, trying to make their names sound Italian because their own names are dull and boring. Everyone loves to bash the mob, but yet they can't seem to get off their nut sacks.

Last edited by DillyDolly; 12/27/21 06:20 AM.