The interesting aspect of this part:

The FBI has always had a policy requiring that all consequential interviews be conducted by two agents — one to ask questions, the other to take notes. Then the agents return to headquarters, where the notes are typed up. The report is known as a Form 302, and it is the official record of the interview.

The interviewees are thus placed between the proverbial rock and a hard place. If they testify, they must stick to the FBI’s version. If they deviate from the Form 302, they can be charged with having lied to the agent or, at trial, of committing perjury. Hence, there is enormous pressure on witnesses to testify not as they remember a situation, but rather in accord with the Form 302.

This is how they went after people in the Trump administration, I may be mistaken but I think they tried to get Roger Stone this way. They will charge a person with perjury for any slight change in how they state something, or if they remember something they had forgotten to say.

I don't think the FBI should be totally dismantled, but they should not be used as a political tool. Also they have gotten away with too much over the course of their history. Breaking them up into several smaller agencies with bi-partisan oversight would be the best.