So it's a never ending argument. Is Chicago a traditional LCN family? Do Chicago guys go through a traditional making ceremony? (Blood, saint card, etc etc) Are non- italians "made"? There have been plenty of heavyweights that commanded respect and highly regarded. Guzik. Humphries, Alex, Shweiss. Some reports say they were made, some say not. Also Jimmy Marcello is Irish on his mothers side, but yet was allegedly "made" and held the title of boss for a short stint. Also, Nick Ferriola, the son of Joe "Nicol" Ferriola, (yes, it's Nicol, pronounced 'Neegol') is apparently irish on his mothers side but is also allegedly "made". I also read somewhere that Jimmy Boy Cozzo was denied membership because his lineage is of Northern Italian. However Red Wemette alleges that Jimmy was half Italian and actually WAS a made member of the Outfit.

I'd like to hear some opinions and random conversation on this. There is no clear explanation and I thought it would be an interesting thread.

Getting back to the Joe "Nicol" thing. Anyone here who is Italian or familiar with Italian culture knows there are two "Nicholas" versions in Italian. One is "Nicola" and the other is "Nicolo" both male names. They would also know that when you pronounce those names in proper Italian, it sounds like "Nee-Gol", which is why we always see his nickname as "Nagall" or "Negal", because that's what it sounds like. Only true dagos would know that. I grew up with immigrant grandparents and have many relatives who are "greaseballs", from the old country and emigrated here in the 60's and 70's. Apparently, Joe Nick's father was Nicolo Ferraioli (later amercanized to 'Ferriola'). That is more than likely where he got the nickname "Joe Nicol" and "Joe Nick". Just thought I'd throw that out there.