He would have laundered 500 billions for the clans

The "consultant" responds to the accusations of the DDA in an interview with the Rai program: "Let's pretend it's true, but if I'm from Calabria, can't I commit a crime in my name?"

Officially - and until proven otherwise - he is an IT entrepreneur capable of creating a giant of management technology applied to public administrations. For the magistrates of the Reggio Calabria District Anti-Mafia Directorate, however, he would be one of the largest launderers in history on behalf of ' Ndrangheta, Cosa Nostra and Camorra , capable of handling dirty money for about 500 billion euros.

He is Roberto Recordare , owner of Golem software. We had already dealt with its history almost a year ago, after a report from the Reggio Calabria mobile squad, filed in the " Eyphemos " trial, had brought to light the story of the money laundered - writes the prosecutor - which proceeds from illicit trafficking in arms and drugs, without excluding extortion, usury and more.