The Mafia was looking for a new man to make the weekly "protection" collections from all the businesses they were shaking down all over the city. Feeling "heat" from the cops, the mafiosi decided to use a deaf mute for the task, figuring if he got caught he wouldn't be able to explain or tell the cops what's really going on.

His first week on the job the deaf mute collects over $50,000 in extortion money. He quickly gets greedy and decides to keep all the loot for himself, stashing it in a safe place.

The Mafia boss realizes that collections are late and sends out a few of his thugs to go grab the mute. The thugs then drag the mute to an interpreter. The top right-hand man then tells the interpreter to ask the mute, "Ask him where the money is?" The interpreter signs, "Where's the money?" The deaf collector then signs back, "I don't know what you're talking about."

The interpreter then turns to the top hood and says, "This guy says he doesn't even know what money you're talking about." So the mafioso then proceeds to pull out a .38 caliber Colt revolver and places it directly to the side of the mute's head, pressed to his ear and says, "NOW go and ask him again where that money is!"

So the interpreter signs, "Where's the money??"

The deaf collector nervously signs back, "The $50K is in a tree stump in Central Park directly to the right of the big fountain." The interpreter's eyes light up, and he says to the thug, "He says he still doesn't know what the fuck you're talking about, but fuck you anyway!.... He says he doesn't even think you got the balls to pull that trigger!