It is NOT Philip Rossillo, who was known on the streets as "Chubby," or "Fat Philly." Rossillo was direct with Anthony Colombo anyway. Had "zero" to do with Orena and company.

The correct answer is that Vic Orena, for many decades, always had a few top Jewish hoods with him. They were VERY close. Robert (Bobby) Ross is Jewish, a racket guy; shylock, bustouts, etc., but he's "around" and "with" Vic. The same can be said, maybe even more so, for another Jewish rackets guy who's direct "with" Little Vic was another Bobby. Or should I say Robbie. Robert (Red Robbie) Wisch was one of the most prolific Jew shylock's and schemers for that matter for years. He was VERY close with Orena.

So Bobby Ross and Red Robbie Wisch were two of Vic's top guys. Since the 1960s with Wisch at least. Ross for years as well.

DillyDolly, I hope this answers your question about Ross, and for that matter, gave you a bit of a window on the mob world about "Red Robbie" as well. Two active guys back in the day.