I totally agree.

Gambino/Castellano loyalists skipper and acting skippers like; Frank Dapolito (who took over NY interests of Terry Zappi), Ettore Zappi himself, Giuseppe Arcuri, James Failla, Anthony Gaggi, consigliere Joe N. Gallo, Joseph Paterno, Salvatore Avarello, Olympio Garofalo, Paul Zaccaria, Joseph Zingaro, Frank Piccolo, Patsy Conte, Joseph Gambino, Thomas Gambino, etc., had no use or loyalty to a "John Gotti." It was only his small band of inner circle and a few others who banded with him to pull this off. Had he asked all skippers for a vote, Gotti would have ended up in a car trunk, he knew that. Thats at lest 15 capos or better who never supported Gotti (or even knew) of the plot.
Like most of these podcasters, he's full of shit.

Last edited by NYMafia; 11/25/21 06:25 AM.