Originally Posted by NYMafia
Originally Posted by Njein
A few questions about mobsters being shelved:

1. Is there a comprehensive list of who was put on the shelf or into early retirement?
2. Do mafiosi still retain their rank even if they were shelved? What about their rackets?
3. Are shelved mafiosi allowed to interact with those still in the life and vice versa?

When shelved, you lose the following rights and privileges;

You can no longer sit down at a table to represent yourself or others.
You get stripped of all known assets (rackets you run on your own you keep. But you'd better not have a problem with a goodfella, cause you'll lose)
You are "Stripped" of rank. Essentially you are now lower than an associate status
You are a pariah. Other goodfellas no longer are allowed to talk or interact with you in any way, shape, or form. Under penalty and sanction
You still CANNOT be clipped unless permission comes from the top. Otherwise, the guy will get clipped himself.
You still retain any legit biz you have. THOSE are not subject to the mob. Unless its a labor union post, or a position that was "given" to you as a courtesy.

Are there any instances where mobsters were put on a shelf, only to be reactivated after a period of time? In other words, they were allowed back into the fold?