A Rat is a Rat 100%, I've been locked up 7 times and spent time in Brooklyn House of Detention and The Tombs in Manhattan and never considered selling out my partner's in business. In fact, it's so easy to beat the system, you have to be a fucking moron to get locked up for any length of time, Roy DeMeo had no criminal record and died having never been convicted of a crime, if you're going to dirt, he's you're role model. That being said, I'm not defending Montiglio, just setting the record straight historically. He was a Rat and threw a lot of people under the bus to avoid doing time. He might have a smack addict too, we're still trying to pin that down and have reached out to his roommate and biographer Ross Brodar for any info he has on that subject.
I consider myself a NYC history student with a Minor in Mob Studies and seek only a factually accurate account of the dramatic events that occurred under the Mafia's rule of NYC. Hopefully, Brodar will respond to us later in the week so I can get more info on Montiglio's addiction.