The thing with rats is that more often than not we only hear their side of the story.

So they can pretend they were these super tough gangsters betrayed by “rivals” or whatever.

In reality, the overwhelming majority of rats are guys that were just not canny enough, broke, fell down the ranks due to reckless behavior, did what they weren’t supposed to, etc…or realized they weren’t half as tough as they thought they were. So when things got “hot”, instead of dealing with it, fighting back, or pack their stuff and go solo without joining the other team…they promptly jump ship and beg mommy Govt. to relocate them to a safe space from where they can badmouth online those they didn’t have the balls to confront in real life.

They’re gonna play the “Imma changed man” card around civilians, saying they found Jesus or that their dead mom told them to flip in a dream or something. 98% is just bull. They wanted an easy way out.