Originally Posted by Turnbull
Cicci never testified to any of the charges against Michael--all he said was that he was a member of the Corleone crime family; that Michael was the head of the family; that he was a button who killed on orders--and that he never spoke to Michael. It's all in the transcript. The specific charges that Michael was asked about probably were fed to the subcommittee by Roth, through Questadt.

BUT: Cicci damaged Michael by testifying that he was the head of a crime family. And, unlike Frankie, he didn't recant his testimony. Since he said he never got a direct order from Michael, he was of no further use to the government. There was no Witness Protection Program then, and the government had no need to provide him with extra protection like they gave Frankie (IMO, they probably thought Frankie would eventually give them something they could use against Michael). Would Michael give Cicci a pass because he said he never got a direct order--or would he have Cicci whacked in prison for betraying him?
Cicci saying "he never talked to Michael" ie: "he never got a direct order" is small potatoes! compared to all the murderous, sordid history, aired by Cicci

Cicci blew the lid off exposing everything including the inner workings, the organizational structure and besmirched the Corleone name but worse!
  • Cicci put it out there on public record that there is a Corleone Crime Family headed by Michael, the Chief [Don] of which Cicci “was a button who killed on orders”
  • kill orders get filtered through the buffers ie: there was no need for the Chief to speak to the buttons but clearly the order came down from the Chief

It was big news back then - Syndicate Big Shot Vito Corleone's youngest son who was forced to leave this country because of all these 'false' charges - Newspaper Headlines "Police Hunt Cop Killer" "Police Captain Linked With Drug Rackets" “Gangland Violence"

Cicci testified Michael was personally responsible for the murders of New York City Police Captain McCluskey and Sollozzo
It was Michael all along

I can't see Cicci getting a pass No way! after testifying against Michael, in public too
Cicci is a dead man even if Cicci was under government extra protection