Originally Posted by Louiebynochi
Originally Posted by jace
Originally Posted by Louiebynochi
Here’s another one

Galante once walked into a Lower East Side Restaurant and threw a plate of scalding hot pasta in a woman’s face...she was scared up terribly for life...

Jesus this guy was a truly wonderful human being!!

Luckily none of the guys are like him, he was just one of the longest tenured Bonnano members in the 20th century and rose to Underboss and later Acting Boss

He must really have not fit in with all those good guys, I’m sure they were disgusted by him.

I’m sure that ruined his career shooting a 6 year old and scarring an innocent woman for life..that must have been why the clipped him!

Oh shit that’s right he was clipped cause he wouldn’t share his Heroin money and wanted the family

Fucking accepting an abuser of women and shooter of little girls....birds of a feather flock together...

You made up a story of him killing a girl, now you are angry with me for just pointing it out that you were wrong---or lying as you do often. Like when you said NYmafia was a child trafficker, then said the same of me--multiple times. You just used fake story of him throwing spaghetti at a woman. Birds of a feather? Well, you often claimed NYMafia who posts here was a child molester and a child pornographer. Now you two are buddies. Birds of a feather?

Here’s the “made up story” you disgusting,freak,mongoloid


By Steve Dunleavy
April 18, 2001 4:00am
CARMINE GALANTE, the old man, always looked more like a grandfather than a godfather – but under that cuddly bald head raged a man whose temper made O.J. Simpson look like a preacher.

His nephew, namesake Carmine Galante, is a bucketful of clichés – the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, a chip off the old block, etc.

Young Carmine is a mad dog whom traditional wise guys would have clipped years ago. You don’t kill innocent people. You kill for business, and only rarely.

Geraldine Gangi, who owned a gin mill next to the old Post building on South Street called The Post Mortem, once told me: “When we were young, we were with a bunch of the girls at a restaurant on Prince Street.

“Some were going with the local wiseguys on the Lower East Side. ‘Lilo The Cigar’ walked in and one of the girls said something innocent that got him mad.

“He threw a plate of boiling hot pasta into her face. She was scarred up pretty bad. His temper was scary.”

When Lilo Galante got out of jail after 12 years for drug conspiracy, he told everyone how he hated legendary mobster Frank Costello.

Costello died in bed soon after, but to Lilo, everything was personal.

He couldn’t kill a dead man, so he firebombed Costello’s tomb on the Mafia boot hill in Calvary Cemetery in Queens.

Through lawyer Roy Cohn, I got two interviews with Lilo.

Charming? You couldn’t believe. Brooks Brothers from the basement to the top floor. Before he was killed with a cigar in his mouth at Joe and Mary Restaurant, he wanted me to go to his house for the weekend in Westhampton.

“When I was growing up [on the Lower East Side], I was a very sensitive kid,” he said. “But if someone came on strong to me, I would come back pretty strong.”

He thought the mob had become “too soft.” So he imported “The Zips,” real bad guys from Sicily who killed on orders.

There came Baldo Amato and Cesare Bonaventre, movie-star looking young hoods who killed like they were on a turkey shoot.

The old men in the mob got nervous. They paid Baldo and Cesare more money in one day than they had ever made in a year in Sicily. Baldo and Cesare, hired by Galante to kill, suddenly turned turtle. They set up Galante for his hit. Then the old wiseguys planted both “Zips” in the Secaucus swamps.

“The old crew hated violence unless it was absolutely necessary,” Detective Remo Franchesini, a top mob-catcher, said at the time.

“Galante was a stone-dead mad killer who would fly off the handle. People would die, legit people, just because of his temper.”

Galante even triggered his daughter, Nina Galante, into making a serious attempt at suicide.

Nina Galante took a massive overdose because the old man put hoods to her boyfriend . . . a non-Sicilian whom Lilo didn’t want to touch his daughter.

Little wonder the old “Mustache Petes” put Lilo away, with cigar firmly in his mouth.

Little wonder, the young man named after him allegedly stabbed an innocent kid in a rage

. Interesting. Thanks for the article. Either way Galante was certainly a ruthless nutcase