US guys will NEVER act the same, and don't even know what Cosa Nostra is anymore. Newly inducted Lucchese soldier John Arpino, if I have the name right, didn't even know how to introduce fellow made men and associates and made men. His captain said something like, "Do we have to start handing out instructual manuals now?" None of these American newcomers hold Cosa Nostra sacred, but the Sicilians do. People give the government too much credit, you play the game right they can be beat, or you can at least make their jobs extremely hard and challenging. Gotti, Amuso, Casso, Scarfo, they made it way too easy.

Frank Cali had only ever served a couple of years at most in the can before he was murdered, I don't want to hear nothing about how mobsters can't have longevity on the streets in the RICO age and 21st Century, because it's already been proven wrong. Colombo soldier Nicholas Rizzo wasn't arrested until the age of 83, so yes it can be done. But Nicky Rizzo is old-school, that breed is dying out. The Persicos aren't good examples either because they have rap sheets as long as the Brooklyn Bridge, their name is too notorious to ever hope for successful Mafia careers and long tenure on the streets. And perhaps the Sicilians aren't out there doing unnecessary stupid shit to have long police files on them in the first place.

Last edited by DillyDolly; 11/05/21 07:49 AM.