I see it a little bit differently, and in a way that is in fact probably advantageous to the moneymakers in the mob.

Where in the past killings could be carried out in a much more cavalier manner - there were plenty of senseless and even unnecessary killings, which only undermined the mafia overall. Certainly a Nicky Scarfo Sr. or a Vic & Gas administration was "feared" but they were also completely nuts and by their murderous behaviour weakened their families through the various consequences of those murders.

I would agree that it already is and will be a much rarer thing going forward to hear about a bonafide "mob hit" - and that makes sense - the quality of the mob has declined in all areas from money making down to violence.

I guess my point is, if the mob whacks someone at this point then you KNOW it's something that needed to be done. Not necessarily the case in the past. And if they hesitate to do it, well that's just smart in a day and age where a trace fibre off the floor mat of your car might get you a life sentence which in turn creates a rat who puts 50 guys away. The OP may not wish to discuss today's technology, but I don't see how you separate that from the issue. It IS the issue.

I'm sure the mob still attracts guys who wouldn't hesitate to kill if/when/where they know they can get away with it. But it's a wise move by the administration to keep a lid on cowboy behaviour that will only put everyone away.

Dilly has a point - the mob is definitely not as feared overall as it used to be, but honestly, if you went down to 18th Ave and loaned out $50,000 from Fat Sal at 3 points a week, would you really figure that you've got nothing to worry about if you don't make your payments? Of course the mob is still feared. Not on a level proportionate to their golden years but definitely still feared, for good reason.