Originally Posted by majicrat
I respectfully disagree, some of the comments above are definitive in nature as if the writer KNOWS things for a fact. I find this doubtful, not impossible, but doubtful. Then when questioned the insults come out. All I'm going to say about it now is if the order not to kill is the reason no retribution is handed out then that's only an excuse. Violent acts happen all over this country in big cities and small everyday, that NEVER get solved ( Chicago gets shot up every single weekend), So maybe I should add that the current American Mafia members lack the street brains to be a serious killer along with the will. Where there's a will there's a way and the whole order not to do it doesn't make sense. They just don't have the will anymore.

I respect your take, but personally I feel there might be a different reason behind this. It's entirely possible there's a lack of will, but maybe that lack of will is because they don't see the gain from killing anymore. Aside from that, there's still a lot going on behind the scenes that the average joe never hears about. There's lots of guys out there still making a ton of money and I don't think you make money in the criminal world without any sort of fear attached to your name. So we as outsiders definitely don't know a lot and we can only make assumptions based on what we hear/read or don't hear/read.

And for sure there's a lot of unsolved killings going on in minority ghettos, but I feel - again this is an assumption on my part as well - that's mostly because LE doesn't care enough to put a lot of effort into solving them.