Maxi operation against the 'Ndrangheta in Brussels, a thousand policemen on the field to find the clans

Other interventions have been implemented in recent days in Liège and Antwerp, which is one of the main doors for the entry of cocaine into Europe.
The country is "at high risk of mafia infiltration" and is used as a hub for processing and sending drugs to other nations

Over a thousand policemen were employed in Brussels in a massive raid against the Ndrangheta and the Albanian mafia, in an operation of a magnitude that has not been seen for some time. Belgium is one of the gateways for cocaine to Europe and the nation, considered "at high risk of mafia infiltration" by the Italian anti-mafia directorate general, and Calabrian organized crime is now rooted in a large part of the country's economic sphere, especially in the provinces of Hainaut, Liège and Limburg.

"The king is dead, long live the king!"