Originally Posted by Lenox
Originally Posted by TheKillingJoke
Originally Posted by Mikey_Sunset
That's what they all say..."What about Headless Cross?" Okay, it is the least sucky of the Martin records but even Cozy Powell couldn't save TYR. \m/

TYR sorta garnered a cult reputation among underground fans, but I'm not that fond of it. There's quite a few bland tracks on that one.
"Born Again" on the other hand is an album that gets a lot of flack, but it's actually a really underrated record. Ian Gillan did a great job. It's the Black Sabbath record that weeds out the weak fans.

Cozy Powell was a great drummer., he really was. I saw Sabbath at madison square garden with Dio in 1982. I really liked the Dio era.

Dio era was awesome for sure