Originally Posted by NYMafia
NYMafia did NOT break that news. We only posted what Capeci had to say here as a courtesy. The fact that DeLucia didn't rat is a good thing. But had he gone 'bad' that would not have been a big surprise considering that over the years "supposedly" better guys than him have turned. Many soldiers and capos, a few underbosses, acting bosses, Colombo consigliere Carmine Sessa, and even family bosses such as Joe Massino. So it wouldn't have surprised anyone nowadays.

Dennis is standing tall the way he should. Bravo for him! At 80 years old it would have been a shame if he went bad.
On another note, you ain't gonna see Catapano in any boss seat. And with all due respect Ralphie, Catapano isn't boss material in any way, shape, or form. In fact, he doesn't want any connection to the life at all. He's retired so to speak, and out of the mix altogether. I hear he lives in Florida. He did that 8 year bid and then scooted. He's done.

Yeah you like spreading fake news before you analyze the facts. I read the indictment and came to the conclusion it was an associate of Vinny Unions in the labor aspect. But you tabloid bullshit fake news gossip columnist labeled and 80 year old geezer a rat. It's disgusting. You should work for the National Enquirer. You do Zero research. You only regurgitate the news fed to you like a little maggot infested baby bird and your mama bird is the Mainstream Media. Fucking do the work man or stay silent. You're credibility is garbage now. You're a fucking parrot.