Operation anti 'Ndrangheta, 28 affiliated to the gangs had citizenship income
The criminals had to declare the existence of impedimental convictions (also mafia-type association) or personal precautionary measures. 212 thousand euros seized

Reggio Calabria - They had requested and obtained citizenship income from the INPS , failing to declare the existence of impedimental convictions, even for mafia-type associations, or personal precautionary measures. For this reason, the Public Prosecutor of Vibo Valentia, Camillo Falvo , asked the GIP to issue a preventive seizure decree of sums for about 212,000 euros against 28 subjects, among which also prominent exponents and affiliates of the clans of 'Ndrangheta Vibonesi, already involved in the operations "Costa Pulita", "Ossessione", "Cerbero" and "Rebirth Scott".

The soldiers of the provincial command of the Guardia di Finanza of Vibo Valentia, in collaboration with the INPS, have launched checks aimed at countering the conduct of undue request , receipt or use of subsidized social benefits, with specific reference to citizenship income. Citizenship income cannot be paid to families whose members are subjected to precautionary measures or convicted of serious crimes . The investigations by the judicial police, carried out in the last period by the Fiamme Gialle of the Tenenza di Tropea, had allowed several people to be reported to the prosecutor. Following the issuance of the provision, the soldiers of the Guardia di Finanza, in these days, have implemented the decree safeguarding the money deposited in current accounts

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