Originally Posted by blueracing347
I always joke that the Roman Empire lasted a thousand years and we're not even 300 years old and the cracks are showing. We went away from trade schools and now the direction our education system is going is a Fucking joke. The other day my fourth grade came home with a letter from his teacher telling the parents not to help their children with math homework because they'll teach them in school. There's 36 kids in his class. How the Hell do you get through to every kid? I asked him did they go over anything for Columbus Day. No Dad, we haven't talked about that guy since first grade.

Naturally. I completely agree with you too. Its a tragedy and a bad fucking joke what they are turning this country (and these young people into).

Wheres the backbone? Wheres the "tradition" of our heritage. And thats regardless of whether you're an Italian, an Irishman, Jew, or anything else.

I was a greaseball. My friends were Irish micks, or Heebs, or Donkey's, etc. etc. But know what? We all broke each others balls with those types of things but we loved one another, and STOOD by each other, thick or thin. It was all in good fun. Today? LOL, you gotta be "politically correct" or you are viewed as a pariah.

Its ALL false bullshit!

We NEVER ratted! Not even on our enemies. We'd rather bust they're skulls open than rat em out. Ratting was for fags and weasels. We played ball together and ate together over each others homes.' We respected peoples parents and elders, we would NEVER talk out of turn.

It was a great childhood that taught us respect, honor, camaraderie, balls, work ethic, etc.... and toughness!

Today? These kids are made out of paper mâché. And its NOT their fault. Its the fault of the parents, teachers, politicians, and people in power today who are instilling these bullshit values (or lack thereof) into the kids heads.