Originally Posted by Louiebynochi
First leave the cell phone at home so they can’t track you
While your out doing the work and the cell phone is home, have someone use it so it looks like your there
Get a stolen car w stolen plates, that was made before they installed GPS, something around the late 90s would do
Stolen untraceable guns and ski mask
Shave your head and as much hair as possible
Put a shower cap on your head and if you have to tie it with a string or rubber band
Do the hit completely by yourself as the shooter
Leave a car you can switch to where they’re aren’t security cameras
When you switch the car wear a hat and glasses so if they’re is a camera your not identifiable
Dump everything you were wearing and burn it if possible
Shower w vinegar and get rid of any traces of gsr
Since you were the only one that did the work,no one else needs to know or hear about it EVER!

First reply that makes any sense, if you're gonna do dirt nowadays you're better off doing it by yourself.
Second get a stolen gun, ghost gun, big bore compressed air gun(they come up to .357 bore and require no registration or license).
Just leave everything in the car and burn the car