Originally Posted by Lou_Para
You guys did an amazing job on this one !!! Your videos are always good,but this one hit a new high. Well researched,great assemblage of pertinent footage,very listenable narration, spot-on editing, and a great knack for weaving an interesting narrative. Many years ago,I ran an audio and video production business, and I can appreciate the amount of effort that goes into producing even a five or ten minute segment,so a tip of the fedora to both of you !!

Thank you Lou. Thats why this particular video took so long to complete. It was very long, and very intricate. And of course it was my written story that we went off of, but I gotta give the credit where the credits due. And that's my partner Lisa. She broke her ass on this one and really put her heart into it...and it shows.

Thanks for the nice compliment. Complimentary words like all of you have said to us only goes to further our desire to elevate futures videos to new heights.