Originally Posted by The_Premier
Originally Posted by jace
Originally Posted by The_Premier
You cunts that play this idiot back and forward kindergarten rubbish... you do realise you’d have your legs sawn off and then be stuffed in a barrel if you talked shit like this on the street, yeah? Or maybe not. I’m not sure any of you can figure out the difference between internet gangster and real gangster.

But anyway how about you cunts try to talk to each other and learn from each other instead of sitting in a pool of shit throwing it at each other. The faux tough guy shit wouldn’t fool a ten year old

You have a gangster looking guy in your profile pic, and say things like this, with a message of "Don't act tough on the internet" confused

Jace I’m no tough guy. The pic is coz I like the pic and it fits the forum. Sure I fucked around in my younger days and don’t back down to anyone, but all the cunts I did stupid shit with 30 years ago are either dead or did long stretches and are probably dead now. But I was never in deep as them and got a lucky break in the form of a woman before I did something stupidly stupid. But tough guy, no. Nor do I want to be one.
As for the foul mouth. Yeah I have it in spades, but it was quite deliberate. It was to hope at least one of you cunts would listen up. This place has so much knowledge to share among us that want to learn but right now it’s just tit for tat retarded baby shit that swamps everything else.
With that I’ve said my bit and will go back to reading. If the kids in the playground could do the same I’d appreciate it

Thanks for that info, just take my comment with a sense of humor (I hope) It is funny, you saying all that in a message telling everyone to be nice. smile