Originally Posted by NYMafia
Peep Shows were inside buildings. They ran the gamut from simply vending machines types where you dropped a quarter and a film reel came up. You had to keep dropping quarters so the screen/wall wouldn't close on you. lol

Other types of peep shows were more "live action". you went into a booth, dropped your quarter and sat and watched lives girls dance and play with themselves in front of you. Again. You had to keep dropping those quarters or the window would close on you. Many a sucker pulled his pud while he watched the girls. Lol

And then course they sold magazines, tapes, pics, movies, sex toys, etc, etc. Live topless (and bottomless bars). Whorehouses, strip clubs, gay bars, etc. Never ending. If you can imagine it. They had it for you

It was (and is) big business. Sex sells. Always has. Always will!

Indeed NY Mafia..it also existed here in Phila...(center city)..on Market St.,,& 13th st. was a hot spot,,many joints up untilit all came crumbling down via the wrecking ball..I remember going 2 see major asian porn star of the 80s Mai Lin & after the show..was made a very nice proposition in the booth while she pleasured herself...let's just say it's a night that i will never forget as far as celebs (porn) orally go..she was VERY nice 2 me.

I didn't want to leave blood on your carpet...