Originally Posted by ralphie_cifaretto
Don't ignore him. We need to beat him up every time he begins with his hateful bullshit. The more people go after him, the smaller he gets. He'll ultimately kill himself. Stay the course!

You make a good point Ralphie. An excellent point in fact. The problem is, not enough posters on here speak out verbally in defense of others when they should. They choose to hide behind their keyboards instead of stepping up and helping other innocent posters by kicking guys like Louie in their ass.

I don't know why that is, but it obviously a fact. If not for you and I, and a few others on here who 'man up' and speak up, creeps like Louie would run roughshod over this entire board. Thats why scumbags like him hate me, you, etc. Because they know we have the balls to shut them right down. They can't muffle us.

PS: and they damn well know that "we know" much more than them about the subject matter on the board and it fucking kills them. Know what I say? Fuck them! LOL.... let em choke on it, their envy and hatred that is!

Last edited by NYMafia; 09/16/21 10:22 PM.