Yeah, I must have missed that particular memo Big Lou. Lol... Everybody in NYC usually sends me a memo on everything they're doing every day of the week. I'll get right on that for ya, ok big guy? LOL
But if you think that the five crews in NY, and the other one in Jersey, are running at run steam. Or even at 25% of what they did back in their heyday (of even 20-30 years ago). Then I got a bridge I'd like to sell you in Brooklyn! LOL...and another one that connects to S.I. for ya!
Frankly, If you really dissect the indictment and the 'alleged' criminal activity they're accused of, its a chump change type of offense. It sounds good on paper, but $10,000 a month = $120,000 annually. When broken down and whacked up between them. What as it, 4-6 guys involved? What did they really earn here? $20,000 each ($400 wk)? Maybe? Now they face a 20 year exposure for that? Hardly the stuff of mob legend.

And this 20 year shakedown was NOT 20 years at $10K month. Not by a long shot. Thats why they got pinched. The guy was coughing up some cash over the years, but they got greedy and tried for the $120K. Thats when he ran. So I bet they never even saw that type of money.

And THATS the truth to this case.
And shying $250K loan to 1 single guy? How long was this guy gonna pay before he rolled? I don't know the particulars involved. But It doesn't sound like the most prudent transaction. Seasoned guys should have known better.

I feel bad for Andrew. He didn't need this at his age. He's done enough time. A wheelbarrow full.

Last edited by NYMafia; 09/16/21 06:52 PM.