Originally Posted by alicecooper
Originally Posted by DillyDolly
I don't like how you come here and judge these guys from a moral perspective, get off your soap box! You have no problem paying the government a huge portion of your hard earnings each paycheck yet you have a problem with mobsters shaking down people. Get a life!

Lol so they should be looked at from a perspective of business acumen?

Ethics? Human decency? I'm literally laughing out loud at your post.

Jace, does Dilly sound unhinged? 2 out of 3 sentences end in exclamation marks. Seems unhinged to me.

What really shows how far off your rockers you two are is that I STILL think they deserve a fair trial. I STILL think they deserve a fair judge. An honest DA. Honest federal agents. If they are innocent then they should be set free.

How many people morally judging from a soapbox, or whatever half baked interpretation of me or my opinions you have, would still believe those things? I'll bet very, very few.

You sounded unhinged, and are getting worse. See a doctor.