Originally Posted by furio_from_naples
In the 1980s and 1990s the mob was the priority for LE when men like Casso and zamuso,Gotti,Orena etc attire mass media attenzione and LE with bodies in the streets.
Now is different,even a 5 families boss flipped,now there no old school mobsters that would accept long sentences,there few white collar mobsters and houndred of brokesters that sell drug on the corner,small time bookies or shylock that are ready to broke your legs for few houndred dollars.
This happened even in the glorious old days but with the end of the little italies or the mobbed up hoods,there are no safe place.

Very true Furio. It's all (or mostly) "penny-anty" type rackets today. With the exception of the occasional large gambling operation (which is usually run by an outside entity in Costa Rica by a semi-independent operators), or the occasional big-money what collar swindle for millions, today's 'wiseguys' are all scrabbling for the same dollar bill.

It's not so wise to operate the streets any longer and the more savvy of the bunch see that. The wise guys who don't see that are really wiseguys in name only. 'dumb-guys' is a better handle for them.

It ain't 1950. Or even 1990 anymore