What I have been noticing, for awhile now too, is that there is very little in the way of federal indictments and criminal cases related to traditional (as well as non-traditional) organized crime. In the federal arena almost every single case brought by prosecutors has to deal with some sort of paper or computer fraud; bank frauds galore, stock and securities swindles, credit card fraud, identity thefts rolling into international type frauds, etc.

And nearly every single case is for megabucks. Millions; 115 million, 35 mill, 2 mill, 87 mill......the numbers are truly staggering. Any one of these schemes, executed successfully, dwarf the annual revenue produced by entire mafia regimes, if not that of entire mafia families of just a few years ago.

Even in narcotics cases that deal in big bucks. most of the cases don't come close to the level of monies that these financial fraud cases perpetrate. Wow!....thats 'crime' and the way of the future. OC should try and acclimate to that. They'd be much better off than booking a horse or sports bet, or shaking a guy down for $200 weekly