Originally Posted by Turnbull
Originally Posted by JCrusher
Even when they were dancing before the shooting she didn’t look too thrilled that the baby will most likely be a boy. At this point she knows the family is t going legit anytime soon and that Mike desperately wants a boy to take his place one day. It’s hinted at that Mike knows Anthony isn’t interested or a fit for that job which is why he wants another boy

That's a very good point, JC. Why else would Michael fixate on a boy? And, why would Kay, when informing him about her abortion, shout out "It was a boy, Michael!...and I had it killed because this Sicilian thing must stop!." I think Kay not only knew "legitimacy" was impossible, she also knew she her only role in her marriage was to breed another Don

. Agreed. Plus it’s unclear if Kay knew about Appolonia or not at this point. If she did then it supports that theory even more in her mind