What was he going to say for Huck?
Loc, was convicted of being the #3 guy in that family.

That's what RICO is about
You are responsible for crimes anyone in the enterprise has committed.

Lox was found guilty of murder not because he ordered it or did himself, because he was the #3 guy in the Gambino family enterprise.

I personally think RICO should be repealed I think its unconstitutional.

On a different note look at the Shemtov murder.

You had Tommy Reynolds who was high on crack, who accisently shot this lady that died, and Chris the Binger who was the get away driver was charged the sans as Reynolds for pulling the trigger.

That's really fucked as well.
I can see chargibg him but not the same.

You had the RICO and in New York state yiubhad the Rockefeller drug laws, which at the time If you got caught with a 1/2 a key of coke, a pretty small amounut of the coke cooked up, N.Y.S. would give you life sentence...