Jesus Christ you can't even joke with people or yank their chain anymore. They get so triggered and they flip out. This social media era has made weaklings out of people. Lighten up. Anybody losing even a thousand dollars when someone disagrees or insults them in a thread? Be a man and bust balls back for Christ sake.
Originally Posted by NYMafia
Originally Posted by ColonelReb
Originally Posted by NYMafia
Colonel, what has knowing the real name of some street guy by the nickname of Frankie Botts got to do with being and expert, or knowledgable about organized crime?

When I was growing up, in my neighborhood alone there were hundreds of street guys of varying value and notoriety who had nicknames. And they were in addition to the better known-top hoodlums that we speak of here on the forum. Not to mention all the other legitimate people who lived in the neighborhood who also have nicknames. It is an extremely common thing in NYC for nearly everyone to have one.

Most of these guys didn't know one anothers last names unless we had gone to grade school with them and knew them from way back as kids. Many you only knew them by their nicknames.

A guy by the name of Frankie Botts is one in a million. Gravano himself didn't even know the guys surname and he had interaction with him.

How the heck are any of us (you included) supposed to know the guy?? Unless he had been in the newspapers where police listed both his nickname and his real surname, or was otherwise pubically outed as such, how would anybody know? Most guys in his own neighborhood probably didn't even know.
Pal, its one thing to throw out a quiz as I do, but I personally already know the answer and later on release it to all of you on the forum. It's quite another to throw out a quiz but you yourself don't even know the answer. Lol

So? The real question to you is do you have the answer to Botts' last name? Or are you in the dark as well?

Sammy didn't even know his last name. Most mobsters don't. Am I saying I know more than Sammy? Of course not. I'm not a mobster. I'm A Mob researcher. Researchers take tidbits of a guys nickname and search hours,months, days,even years to find out guys real names. Researchers don't call guys rats even of they are rats because that's where the knowledge comes from along with everything else.

Gotta know what you are. You in the Mob or are you a Mob Researcher? Ask Louie B which one he claims to be. And yes I ruffle feathers because I always Speak the truth. Louie B will probably chime in after he googles Frankie Lowe claiming this and that.

#1 I already responded to your question up top on this box, I'm not saying the guy didn't have a real surname, only that the fact that you may or may not know it doesn't set the criteria of whether you are a mob expert or not. As I stated there are many guys (in every neighborhood) that wiseguys themselves have been friends with for decades that still don't know a guy last name. There's guys in my own area that I still don't know their last names. You don't ask a guy that. Its bad form in case you don't know that.

And as far as 'the truth,' thats only YOUR perception of the truth. It doesn't necessarily make it the truth because you think it is. Right?

And as far as calling guys rats, whether you wanna label me a 'researcher' which I am, or a street guy, which I was, makes no difference. I know more guys that you have hair on your head (or your balls) lol, but this particular guy doesn't come from the same neighborhoods as I did. And I personally never heard the guys name before. Thats not an uncommon thing.

And as far as Joe Watts goes, he's another Johnny Come Lately in the larger scheme of things. He worked his little area and few had heard of him until Gotti popped onto the scene. Then Watts became a very well known name. And although he was said to also work with Castellano, Watts nonetheless operated in his little sphere as most guys do. Gotti made him a notorious name. Previous to that he was mostly an unknown.

# 2: And don't tell me "I gotta know who I am" because I know exactly who I am, YOU don't know who I am. But I do. (You're at the disadvantage here believe me when I tell ya). And as far as calling out guys as rats thats my privilege! Like I've said before, I grew up with many of these guys, and I detest when a guy turns rat. And It's their fault they did, not mine. So I'll call a rat, a rat, all day long as I please. Thats me! If it bothers them, then fuck them! Because it should bother them that they became informers against their own friends and family. That's all on them!

But why does it bothers YOU? Now thats the real question here. Why does it bother you anyway Colonel? Why do you defend them so adamantly? I'm curious.
But your original question was a valid one, and a good one, and there was an answer of course. So kudos to the few who got it right.

PS: one more thing, these types of Q & A's don't "embarrass" me as you allured to in a previous box on this thread. Lol. Ya kidding right?

But you gotta ask the question the proper way, which you did not. And you can't look to be a sarcastic guy laying insulting words in-between trying to be a cutie pie, which you do. THATS not nice! I don't do it to you. (as I could have on more than one occasion. I refrained from it not to embarrass you which I could have), so don't do it to me. Ok? Otherwise you'll leave your ass open for a spanking from now on.

We're all here to interact and enjoy ourselves, and learn more than we already know. But in a gentlemanly manner. There's way too many assholes on this board already. Let's not add to it ok?

Let's "keep it nice" as they say. A dialogue is one thing. But a sarcastic acid tongue who thinks he knows it all and throws insults to others is quite another.

I happen to like you as you know. Let's keep it that way ok?

Like me or not is not the issue. I happen to like you also. But being nice? What is this the UN? And I challenge you to embarrass me. Embarrass me worse than I just did your on a freaking John Gotta associate all over the newspapers in the 80s. I'm begging you for the sake of this site to learn some shit