I do not personally know Tony Scotto, or any of his personal family for that matter. But from what I've read over the years, and judging from the wonderful way he raised all his children (daughters and sons alike), he seems like a very intelligent fellow who grasped opportunity with two hands. Committed some misdeeds along the way and made some shortcuts to get where he had to go. But he doesn't seem to have been a vicious guy, or a 'hoodlum' per se.

And despite his alleged 'button' which for me personally means nothing in the larger scheme of things, he got caught for some labor law violations, served his time in the can, and then went forward to live a great life with his family. He never again got in trouble with the law. And by ALL accounts was a highly respected New York citizen for the remainder of his life (by cops, politicians, businessmen, and regular Joes alike).

He lived to 87 years old. a ripe old age by anybody measuring stick, was a multimillionaire, helped his children to become professionals in the business world and media, etc., etc.

Anthony Scotto lived one helluva life.... I only have one question. Where do I sign up? Lol