Originally Posted by majicrat
I'll just say he wasn't a decent man. I don't doubt for a second he was loved and treated those around him with decency. But ANYONE that rises to be a capo and a very rich person in the Gambino family has done tremendous harm either physically, mentally or financially to a lot of people. Innocent people as well as other criminals. Make no mistake that he crushed people and businesses either directly or gave the orders. So a decent man? No not a chance. Lets not martyr a criminal just because he was liked and is now dead.

Our fellow poster "Mamaluke" posted this up some weeks ago in regard to another thread. But it was so good, and so on point, that I saved it for future reference and use. And this moment seems like the proper time to say it again.

It goes something like this;

"Just goes to show that there are good and bad people in every walk of life. You can be a good person and be a gangster, those two things are not mutually exclusive in so far as the law is not synonymous with "good"...and crime is not synonymous with "bad." If there can be evil priests, crooked cops, corrupt FBI agents, and downright psychopathic politicians, then there can certainly be "good" criminals and mafiosi."
And THIS particular statement and viewpoint is exactly how I perceive this world as well. In my estimation of life (and I've lived a long and very active one, I'm no babe in the woods) is that there are very few things that are strictly "black and white" in this world. In 99% of situations and things, there is always much more "shades of gray" than stark "black and white."

And as I've aged and grown wiser, I've also modified my viewpoints based upon lifes experiences.

I only wish that I had been the one to word that phrase I posted above. LOL..... it was genius in my opinion. But I have to give credit where the credit is due. And that is Mamaluke!

So kudos to him for his wise views and words.