So its been well debunked now that Carmine Persico was NOT a rat after all is said and done.

Lisa and I were among the very first (if not the first) to go public and debunk the phony NYDaily News story that Carmine Persico was a rat.

We posted, wrote, and declared our positions across the internet, our website, Instagram, Facebook, Mob Fireside Chat, other chat rooms, etc., to all who were willing to hear us about this Persico informant issue. It was careless and baseless journalism at its best by a major daily periodical who should have known better.

It just goes to show folks, that you cannot believe everything we read or hear. The power of deduction must be put into play to properly vet the real, from the unreal. The true from the false.

Let that be a lesson to us all.

Carmine (The Snake) Persico was a lot of things. Many of them very bad things. And I don't imagine he'll be winning the Nobel Peace Prize anytime soon. Lol.....But he was not an informer!

PS: I just scanned a few of the other mob sites and I see that they still have up their original false stories of him turning. They have failed to correct their stories. I suspect that is so because of two reasons. They are not all that familiar with understanding how FBI documents read, and the meaning behind them. And number two, because a headline reading Persico was a potential rat is a lot more interesting to their readers than admitting that he wasn't one. And that they were dead wrong!

So just read between the lines of what I just wrote. Because that alone speaks volumes.

Last edited by NYMafia; 08/23/21 09:52 AM.