Originally Posted by BensonHURST
Originally Posted by NYMafia
Originally Posted by BensonHURST
I never personally met Jimmy Calandra, and I HATED the Bath Ave Crew growing up.
I grew up with some of the 20th Ave, BPB boys..

I have watched some of Jimmy's videos and can tell you that his stories are accurate.
Some of the stories I remember from back then.

Some of players he mentions I knew personally and again are all accurate.

The way he describes the neighborhood and growing up in it are spot on.

To me the difference between and alot of the shows is he is honest about who he was and his position and what he did.

He is not re-telling the stories and making himself look like this all big and important mafioso.

He admits that he went bad and why he did it.

He basically says I was a nobody

I can respect that.

I absolutely agree with you BH. And thats what I liked, and still like, about him. He's as honest as you're gonna get with these type of podcasts.

And thats what initially drew me to him. To me it didn't matter whether he was a top guy or not. The honest recitation of the neighborhood's history is why I liked him. But its a two-edged sword I guess. Because he didn't get to spend many years and decades on the street, and never got the change to get 'elevated' in the mob, and was basically in jail for many years and then turned by his late 20s, his knowledge is very limited (naturally).

I still like him. But as I was trying to say earlier, its just that because he was a young associate with very limited stories about the deeper inner workings of the Bonanno mob and other mob guys, his stories are drying up. He is simply only got so many stories to tell (like everyone else I guess), but because of that (for me at least) his shows are getting a bit boring.


I keep thinking that all of these guys are going to run out of stories eventually.
Then what is there angle going to be??

I guess we will see.

It feels like they all came out of no where.

And one by one they will just drop off.

We kinda of seen it before with Kenji Gallo, he had a blog before his book and then after he sold his book he disappeared.

He was kind of the originator of all of this if you think about it.

John Pennesi was a bit different as he was an actual made member and was very recently in the streets so his story was a bit interesting.

I watched a bunch of his podcasts and it does not seem like he really did much at all on the street.
If I have his story correct he kicked up about $5,000.00 a year???
Not exactly an earner.

Even when his partner Tom, is interviewing him and asking OK, so what were the benefits?
LOL... he keeps saying we didn't have to wait on line at restaurants or bars???
And then Tom, just goes silent for a few seconds..

You can slip the guy at the door a $20.00 bill and you do not have to wait on line...

I think Alite has a huge advantage when it comes to the shows... He will never run out of stories, he just keeps making them up...

I literally agree with you on every point you made. Very perceptive of you, and it does feel like they all just morphed onto the scene, and will just as quickly disappear when their time comes.

It's a whacked out phenomena for sure!

Last edited by NYMafia; 08/23/21 04:18 PM.