Originally Posted by DuesPaid
Originally Posted by NYMafia
Originally Posted by DuesPaid
Originally Posted by NYMafia
To DuesPaid;

First off, I never accused you of anything, or said that you were anybody other than who your GBB 'handle' says you are. Secondly (and more importantly), who the fuck are you anyway? Nobody! Not that I really give two fucks who you may 'think' you are to begin with.

To me you're nothing but a punk.

I tried being nice to you, but I can see that the more I try and be nice, the more you try and use the internet (and my gentility) to try and act like a tough guy, which you are definitely not!

You are a typical example of a fucking mook mistaking my kindness for weakness.... Classic idiocy!

If anything, your stupid infantile rants only further prove to me that you are a fag jerk-off!

So I just wanna say this here and now (to declare myself)..... Go and Fuck Yourself... Fuck YOU and the horse you rode in on!


Your a liar.

We will see who is what.

“Word boy”

Get your words straight word boy.
Poor writing, check your facts and learn how to speak,,,,then write.

You say that I have 'poor writing skills, and I need to learn how to speak?' LOL..... What a bad joke you are, and a sad sack of shit to boot!

When you write something to me, your brain power (or lack thereof) is clearly evident in every word you 'attempt' to type. Not only are you an imbecile who I suspect barely graduated grade school (which I doubt you did), but your pea brain cannot even intelligently decipher what you read on a piece of paper.

WHY DON'T YOU DO YOURSELF A HUGE FAVOR AND FORGET MY NUMBER OK! .... because having a 'war of words' with you is the equivalent of a Championship Heavy-Weight Prize Fighter in his prime (ME), going against a handcuffed and crippled 3-year old nitwit (YOU)!

Lol, it's so funny (and so sad at the same time), that I'm crackin up and crying with laughter at you. I almost can't believe how rudimentary you write. And what you attempt to write.

Go get yourself a job!

Please understand this, you are correct and very perceptive.

I am almost all those things you said or was, I was a great Punk, a huge shitheal,more than many would think that and very good at all the other things you said I am including stupid.
So stupid I’ve done things I wish i could take back but always find I am happy I did them and learn from them.
Oh , this is how we confirm again what a fake, phoney fraud you are by using the term Mook, that was explained to you and what it meant , by me…a long time ago. You still dont know how to use it ‘ WORD BOY”.

Move on jackass.
Go play somewhere else.

Being who I am now, I will pass on you and your bullshit but learned a lot. About YOU.
So did others.

That ENTIRE statement that you just made? Well, it completely made no sense at all. In fact, I could hardly understand what you were trying to convey to me in the first place.

I honestly don't know what the heck you said, or what the heck you were trying to say.

Either way, let's forget it ok? Because neither one of us is gaining anything with this foolish back and forth, and I'd imagine you have better things to do with your time (I know I sure as hell do).