Originally Posted by NYMafia
Originally Posted by ralphie_cifaretto
How much information did Franzese give the feds and what exactly did he tell them? You can't just say he gave them a lot without any evidence for that claim lol. Everyone knows the guy is a rat and implicated his boss in a conspiracy to kill Giuliani and everyone knows he took the stand against Norby, but where is the evidence that his information led to the imprisonment of scores of wiseguys? I've never seen that. I'd love to see it because I can't stand the guy lol

If you read back stories (decades ago) on Capeci's Gangland you'll see documentation about his betrayal of Campione, Vanasco, and others He also testified against his fathers old friend Norby Walters, before the U.S. Senate about gas rackets, Russians, boxing and sports bribery, etc., etc. (thats public)

As far as "available documentation" of his words and 302s to FBI, and private information he provided the feds and local LE behind closed doors you and I will NEVER see that. No informants total debriefings are made public (ever)!

But I can assure you that the bosses of the Five Families (and most everybody else who he talked about in private talks with the law) did see his words on paper. NOBODY was privy to all his words except bosses of the Genovese crew who allegedly had gotten the 'manuscript' of his revelations. They in turn called in others as need be to try and warn 'friends' accordingly.

So no sources. Just as I thought.

I invoke my right under the 5th amendment of the United States constitution and decline to answer the question.