Originally Posted by NYMafia
Originally Posted by ColonelReb
Originally Posted by NYMafia
So don't believe his bullshit about never giving up a 'made man,' made man or not, if you even gave up a janitor, a black gangbanger, or legit businessman, YOU ARE A RAT!


But he gave up lots more than that!

Nobody is saying he isn't a rat. But he played the Feds.Tons of Testimony? Testimony is on the stand. He talked to the Feds but they can't bring in his 302s and use them as testimony. At the end the G got a 12 hour interview, names of made members they already had gotten from Scarpa, Guzzardo, etc. And Norby Walters whose conviction was overturned. He is a Rat who conned the G and the Mob.

With all due respect Colonel, how would you know what Franzese, did or didn't, provide the feds (AND the state AND the locals) with in the way of informant information?

As I had clearly stated in several of my previous posts about this subject, he provided TONS of information about literally hundreds of guys across New York City, Long Island, South Florida, and elsewhere.

And whether you wanna call it "testimony" (and by the way you don't have to explain to me what public court testimony means), secret 302s during his debriefing with the FBI, other debriefings with prosecutors, local District Attorneys, Rackets Bureau detectives, etc., it is called "providing informant information."

The only point I agree with you on is that he is a conman. In fact, I'll go one better than you and say that he is a master conman. 101%..... because not only did he con the mob into thinking that he'd be a loyal soldier, and the government into thinking that they had themselves a longterm precious rat, but he also conned both his personal blood family (his first wife and children, father, mother, sisters, brothers, etc), and his personal friends both, inside and outside, the mob as well. There are well documented stories that go around NY about how he abused guys and conned old "legitimate" boyhood friends not connected to the mob out of money just before he joined Team USA because he knew he was leaving town and wouldn't ever have to pay them back or face them again.

But understand too that the only reason why Franzese was able to 'con' his family and friends (just as you or I would be able to con ours) is because as family and friends they naturally trusted him as blood family and friends should. So was he really such a 'master' conman where it comes to them? Or was he just a moral-less, remorseless, heartless, and selfish weasel who only looked out for himself?

I tend to choose the latter as a better description of him. Remember he was a guy who just out and out 'dumped' his wife and kids and ran away with some strange Mexican girl he had just met down in Miami, and left them to fend for themselves while he lived in the lap of luxury in years to come. He was a guy (the guy), who allowed his own mother and young siblings to live in near poverty (they lost their family home to the bank) while he admittedly threw his millions up in the air like a spoiled brat and made sure to lavish upon himself and his "new" family all the trappings of wealth. He was the guy who never made time (or looked out for) his younger brother John as he slipped into addition. And he never looked to help him afterwards. He just cast him away as an inconvenience.

THAT is the true Michael Franzese. But of course legitimate folks out there in video-land don't understand any of these things. Because he speaks well, they fall under his shroud of a kind and mellow persona. A fellow who can easily explain it all away, and when he can't, he simply then avoids the subject and vets any tough questions that could possibly come his way before any interview so he's not embarrassed by a surprise question that makes him look bad in the eyes of all his new fans and all the 'suckers' who pony up money to listen to his bullshit.

Nah, he's a jerk off. And I'm sorry to say that the people who listen to him are bigger jerkoffs.

A man of God? LOL.... nothing could be further from the truth. It's just his new look. His new schtick.

Nice story you've weaved but do you have a source for any of this?

I invoke my right under the 5th amendment of the United States constitution and decline to answer the question.