Originally Posted by NYMafia
I don't get Louie's fixation with calling everybody a rat or informant? What useful purpose does it serve to try and besmirch someone without 1 solid ounce of proof?

If this wasn't a mob forum for bantering BS around, guys who dare make those types of statements open themselves up to civil lawsuits and worse.

Ya know, my own father used to say that before you look to denigrate a guy speaking badly about him, and especially to throw out a such a volatile accusation that he's a rat, you'd better have REAL solid 100% proof that you're right.

Because it's the easiest thing in the world to ruin a person's reputation, and once done, its one of the hardest things to rectify and 'get your reputation' back regardless of whether you are innocent of the charge or not.

Be VERY careful when you speak ill of people. Especially in "The Life" because more than one guy has wound up in a car trunk for talking out of turn and talking shit.

And many a guy got hurt from people suspecting he WAS a rat, when in fact he WAS NOT.

Case in point, Lucchese soldier Bruno Facciolo, who was clipped for guys thinking he went bad. When he hadn't. It was a 'bum wire' that got the guy killed.

So if you are like to consider yourself a decent person and not a creep, be careful what you say and who you say it too. It is the same courtesy that you yourself would want if in their situation.

He's literally making death threats now. Are the moderators going to tolerate this?

I invoke my right under the 5th amendment of the United States constitution and decline to answer the question.