Originally Posted by NYMafia
Originally Posted by Blackmobs
Originally Posted by NYMafia
Originally Posted by Blackmobs
Also, in some dirty buisness, the US mafia has no choice to work with other crime groups. Because in certain places in new york for exemple, the Mob can’t do nothing if they are not working with some crime groups

Why do you say that BM?

I’m saying that because there are neighborhoods, that any crime groups must deal with the gangs in that area.
I dont think, that the mob is still heavily involved in the drug game in New York (maybe i’m wrong). But, the italian couldn’t move weight in place were there is a high population of african-american ou latinos without the cooperation with a gang from this area.

And, I guess its the same thing with lottery or any kind of criminal activities.

Street gangs have no idea of how to run a lottery. It's WAY too complex for them (more than that, there are no more lotteries. thats been taken over by the state). Moreover the mob deals in 'weight,' not dime bags of pot or heroin. So whether or not the mob was involved in drugs, in no way, shape, or form, would they ever need to deal with street sellers. They are always way above that level.

When we speak of Cosa Nostra, and then speak of street gangs in the same sentence, that like talking apples and oranges. Better yet, its like talking night and day. There is no comparison, correlation, or connection. 99.99999% of the time.

Its two different subjects. the only correlation is that they both break the law. But 99% of the time, its not even the same laws because they're into different activities. understand what I'm trying to say?

I think you are seing the mafia more than what they are. Sur they are one of the most powerful group. But, in 2021, they are juste another group.
Also, african american were doing lottery since way long. Also, you got many street gangs that are from the caribbean, places were they were doing the lottery without the italians.
The mafia is not the movie Godfather and all street gangs are not like Menace 2 society