Originally Posted by Serpiente
Originally Posted by NYMafia
I agree with you all the way. It's a classic example of "do as we say, not as we do!"

Big Daddy wants to rule the roost, without any competition from LCN or anybody else. It's their monopoly and thats the way they like it. Try and grab a share and you'll be labeled a "racketeer" and jailed.

That’s right … we had the metals in the ground to move forward to be able to build solar equipment because Afghanistan has more of it then china so we didn’t have to buy it we earned it protecting them …. But the taliban is going to make billions from it from us ….. Biden is a sick man

But yes they had to get rid of the mob because they were getting a big chunk of moneys that government now steals ….. they are our gangsters

Cackling like a banty Rooster.

I love this," "I just love this."