Now Colonel, at the end of the day. Go believe whatever it is that you need to believe. Whatever makes you feel good.

But as far as he goes. It's undeniable and not refutable. He 'turned' very early on. Before the ink even dried on his deal with the feds, he had already gone bad. That is why he got the deal he got in the first place. He was negotiating from the get go. And that is why when guys went to contact him in prison he wasn't available to speak to or see. Why??

Because he wasn't there! Thats why. He was often pulled out of his cell for debriefings, conferences, to fly to see prosecutors and testify before hidden panels, etc. I spend more time in my car than he spent in his jail cell. Lol

Now I'm done with this conversation. We have both expounded on our positions. You are free to continue to believe what you like, or modify you're thinking based upon the new info I have enlightened you with. Thats all up to you pal.

Last edited by NYMafia; 08/19/21 06:52 PM.