Originally Posted by NYMafia
Originally Posted by DiLorenzo
Frank Cullotta once called himself a rat...Then after seeing 600,000 suckers buying Franzese's baloney, changed his tune and all of a sudden he wasn't a rat anymore, he was a cooperating witness, only testifying in crimes he was involved in etc...

"There's a sucker born every minute"

P. T. Barnum

Correct!..... and as the old saying goes, and I'll finish it for you, "There's a sucker born every minute, and two to take him!" Lol

Who cares what Rats to refer to themselves as. Culotta, Franzese, Gravano, Jr Gotti are all rats. Nitpicking is just confirmation bias on your part. Gravano did the most damage. Cullota didn't do hardly any. Franzese is next to doing any and Jr Gotti did nothing in anyone being convicted. Doesn't mean they all weren't rats. You guys are being overzealous and kind of losing the whole point of the matter.