Originally Posted by jace
Franzese got off easier because for the most part he was a white color criminal, and he did give a few people up. He tried to cut it both ways, but he wrote a book about the mafia way back before almost anyone ( A few exceptions) then followed i tup with another book on the mafia. Gravano is a way worse rat. He also was very violent, even compared to others, Gravano turned out to have been more violent than Gotti or Locascio who the government put away while giving Gravano a sweetheart deal. If anyone wants to say "A rat is a rat, they are all the same" fine. I have a different view. I think both Gravano and Franzese do lie, and Franzese may lie more.

There is NO comparison between Franzese and Gravano as far as modus operandi. Sammy was a born killer with 19 under his belt. A very treacherous individual. Franzese is also a very treacherous individual, but in a different fashion. He used a pen and his words to rob you.

Both are rats. But Gravano was way more devastating to the convictions of guys. From bosses on down. He was underboss, as opposed to a simple soldier with limited knowledge. so that makes sense.

Franzese did stay on the straight and narrow afterwards. Sammy didn't. another major difference. But both are rats. both are lairs, etc. It just goes with the territory.