Originally Posted by jace
I can tolerate Franzese a bit, Gravano I can't stand at a all. I don't get the comments under their videos adoring them. Gravano is more of a rat than Franzese. Two tired old creeps (Gravano the bigger one) running a scam. Like a WWE match, with washers thinking it's a real fight. I still can't get over Chazz and Rudy, who needs them? Chazz saying security and a secret location were needed is insulting. They could have held this openly in Times Square and not been in any danger.

thats all bullshit, false hype and false promotion for the suckers who buy that sort of thing. Like they're still in dangers. They could stop and eat on Mulberry Street and 10 to 1 they'd walk out of the area unscathed. Sad, but true!