I took my brother down to Mulberry St. in 2001, before they changed the facade of the Ravenite and we were standing in front of it talking about Gotti and the Crew when this old man walked up to us and told us." I remember them, when they used hang out here." Needless to say we started pumping him for stories and got some cool anecdotes out of him, it could have been Lefty Ruggiero's son for all we knew. You're not going to see that too much anymore, it's all hipsters now. When I went for San Gennaro, I was eating a sausage and peppers sandwich on a stoop by Umberto's and some residents of the building came home and I had to move off the stoop to let them up. As they're passing, one dude looked down at me and fucking sneered like he was a superior metro-sexual. Word to my mother, the first thing I thought was "Motherfucker, do you know what went down here, not 50 feet from where your standing." I'll will drag your bitch ass off this fucking stoop and leave you where Crazy Joe died but being with my wife and not wanting to spend the night in the Tombs, I digressed.

Last edited by CNote; 08/14/21 04:08 AM.