Originally Posted by Malavita
The first time i was in NYC, i immediately went to Little Italy to have something to eat. I don't remember which restaurant it was. i started talking in Italian to the waiter but the guy was latino and he did'nt understand so i disappointedly switched to English. So much for my Godfather fantasy... The food was not great.

During another trip, I went to a place I fogot the name of in Northern Little Italy (near the contempary art museum which i had visited) and I remember the place looked a bit dodgy. Maybe it was just me but I felt a weird vibe. I thought the joint was mobbed up. I looked it up and it turned out the place was previously run by Louis Consalvo (De Cav made guy) and i would'nt be suprised if it's still somehow connected to some wiseguy.

That was cafetal near Old St Pat’s. Not sure if that one is still open. Emilio Ballato on Houston St is very good, and has an old throwback look to it. On weekends it’s tough to get into due to being popular with actors, Obama, etc.